Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Janus- faced

Thorax_Thor: Is he really a comedian? Dafuq

NaTaLiE435: OMG, U R not funny but ugly. I want my 6 min back.

JorahFrnZone: Shite! My eyes hrut..

The above comments are the better lot. Nasty comments are growing like hydra- headed monsters all over my social walls despite my success as a comedian. My videos usually hit a million views or more. I judge comedy shows and am invited to talk shows frequently. Friends call me to parties expecting to have a ball with my non- stop jokes and charades.
Yet negative comments are pouring in. 

People expect me to be funny all the time, a real pet peeve of mine. My past dates have shown discomfort to my romantic gestures and my peers scoff at my rational views on politics. Like seriously, do you assume that a chef cooks at home too or a mountaineer hikes to his office (may be hitchhikes)? Ok, that was lame. But jokes apart(oh irony!), sometimes I want to have real conversations where I am not expected to drop a punch line in every sentence. The struggle is real and these negative comments only add to my woes. 

Are my jokes falling flat? 

Do they release laughing gas before I go on stage? 

Do viewers laugh on my horseplay, my face?

Am I losing my mojo?

I mull over it for a week, trying to reach the core of the problem. I better fix this and fix it soon. Comedy is my home ground. I have used it to defend myself since childhood. Rotund, ugly and stuttering school- going lads are perfect bully materials and I wasn’t spared my share. I was fat, ugly and I stuttered- a complete package. The defence mechanism that I started with as a naive child turned into my script material as I found my footing in comedy. And just when I thought that I had arrived in life, these trollers have started attacking me. There is an infinite power that one holds behind an alphanumeric username which can debunk someone’s confidence or career or both. But not mine, not again! 


LilAngelica19: Ur so adorkable. laughed my guts out

Pablo_psycho: The most relatable shit ever! bring them more

EenaMinaDika: ma new crush @RealPat..gr8 stuff. luv from NZ. 

@RealPat read the comments and raised a toast to himself on the newfangled success. New subscribers and fans were only a matter of time now. Been there done that! He knew that his jokes were good; the rest had been fixed. He took a last look at the card before tossing it in the hearth.

Refresh. Renew. Reveal
                                                                   the new you……..

    IMAGINE Plastic Surgery

The cheerful fire danced around the corners of the card turning blue and amber before engulfing it. However, his soul smoulders with hatred because lookism has won. 

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